"Still Crazy After All These Years."

266 Kaelepulu Drive

Kailua, HI 96734

Current Roster:

  1. Wayne Mau

  2. Glenn Nitta

  3. Randy Tamashiro

  4. Norman Makalena

  5. Earl Uyehara.

  6. John Neff

  7. Roy Villanova

  8. Edgar Palafox

  9. Mike Masuda

  10. Ricky Soon

  11. Brian Yanagi

  12. Mark Tachibana

  13. Bruce Ah Leong

  14. Nick Neumier*

  15. Nick Paguay*

  16. Russell Kikuya* 
    * Guests

E-Mail Wayne: wmau@koshibalaw.com

Friday, October 16, 2015
  Tee Times:        
10:30 a.m. to 10:53 a.m.
Mid Pacific Country Club
$75.00 per player ($65 for 17+)
Wayne Mau

Join in the Fun!!!



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